Friday, January 13, 2012

The relationship of a time traveler and his destined love

I've recently started the book The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I'm not that well into the book yet but from what I can tell you is the time travelers wife is about this guy named Henry who's a time traveler and he can't tell a lot of people about his power because no one would believe that it's true and if they did believe the time traveling world would be too congested with people. With his ability he's able to know his future and the people he'll meet. One time he met his wife Clare who is another character In the book. The first time they met was when she was 6 and Henry was much older than her. Whenever Henry time traveled he ended up with no clothes so the first time they met he was naked with a little girl right there. The thing is that Henry always sees Clare when he's a different age usually it's when Clare is much Younger. I think that the age difference will be an issue in this book and it could possibly affect thier relationship and they could end up not married and that could change the future.
I think that the age difference between Clare is going to be a problem because since not everyone is a time traveler nobody who isn't would believe that he's not just a crazy person who ends up in random places without any clothes on. For example henry says "I'm in the back of the police car in Zion,Illinois. I am wearing handcuffs and not much else."(pg. 58) And also" Also I refuse to talk to them,so they still don't know who I am, or where I live. The day They find out I'm toast because there are several outstanding warrants for my arrest:breaking and entering, shoplifting, resisting arrest,
trespassing,indecent exposure, indecent exposure"(pg 59) Henry wouldnt look good hanging around a 6 year old with that kind of record and the police would suspect him to be some type of creep especially since he was charged with indecent exposure so thier relationship will be affected by the age difference as well as his criminal record.


  1. You did a really great job providing a description of the book. Also expressing your opinoins, and infrences, and elaborating on them, and proving them with text evidence. Overall great post.

  2. Oh my god this book was amazing it made me cry, your elaboration on your opinions were amazing

  3. I like how you gave text details and then based off of those details, you gave an opinion and then elaborated on it.

  4. you did a great job supporting your statement and you did a great job elaborating
