Thursday, November 17, 2011

Catcher in The Rye

In the book that I’m reading. Catcher In the Rye by J.D. Salinger my main character Holden Claufield is a very unique and he contrasts as a character with most of the other characters I’ve read in my book. So far in my book I have predicted that Holden is the antagonist in my book. This is different than other main characters because mostly the main character is the protagonist and they’re trying to accomplish something or face a problem. I don’t really feel that Holden is the Protagonist.
         One reason why I  think that my main character Holden is the Antagonist is because he gets kicked out of a lot of schools. He seems like a student that doesn’t apply himself or even acknowledge schoolwork. He’s one of those “I don’t care Students”, and from past experiences the students that don’t care aren’t protagonists they usually always have something negative to say about school related topics and they seem to not care about things. Although, I really do think that Holden is a caring person. I say this because he isn’t rude to his roommate Ackley who people think is strange because of the way he eats, his teeth and other things. Holden makes an effort to be kind to Ackley and not snobby.
         Another reason why I think that Holden is the antagonist is because of an end of a essay that he wrote that his history teacher read aloud “ Dear Mr. Spencer. That is all I know about the Egyptians. I can’t seem to get very interested in them although your lectures are very interesting. It is all right with me if you flunk me though as I am flunking everything else except English anyway. Respectfully yours, Holden Claufield”(pg.17) This really makes me think that Holden is the antagonist because he doesn’t seem to take interest in things and he makes a point to let people know. He’s also very blunt in this essay it gives off a very negative vibe that screams “I don’t care about anything” 
         When Holden gives a view point in the book or says something it always sounds negative but the way he does it  in a rude manor its in a" i don't care" way. Its really hard to read this book because i couldn't imagine personally knowing Holden. I feel like he would try to bring the mood down and hold others back just by his carelessness, rudeness and negativity. I think that maybe that Holden may be depressed because he doesn't feel like doing things and he never really is happy for no reason and those are signs of depression
         I find that my main character Holden is very irritating. The way he doesn’t care about important things really upsets me, I really think that he seems really smart because he says he likes to read a lot, that alone gives me hope that the character will change a bit and start to care more about others and his actions. I am really hoping that Holden starts to change and become a more bearable less intimidating and irritating main character.


  1. I like how you thought about what the character is. Most people think that the main character is always the protagonist, but you thought about it and thought he was the antagonist instead. Great text evidence!

  2. I'm also reading The Catcher In The Rye and Holden does care about things, thats why hes always irritated. He does give off a vibe but its mostly an intimidating vibe I think.

  3. I think you gave really good text evidence, and did a really good job including actually quotes from your book. I also like how you are predicting, or at least hoping that your character will become a better person.

  4. Gabby,
    I must agree with you that Holden doesn't seem to be the protagonist. In fact, he fits the bill of being the Antagonist; he is very unemotional, and is calling everyone phony. Honestly, I think he's the real phony. He doesn't seem like a go-getter and doesn't seem to want anything. I find him very difficult to understand and to become attached to. The question is, if Holden is the Antagonist, who is the Protagonist?
