Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dear Mr.President...

         The song “ Dear Mr. President” by pink is written toward George Bush because it was written during the time of his presidency. This is a very controversial song because in the song there are several social issues that are brought up.
         For example in the first verse Pink says” What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?” This is a social issue because in America and all over the world, Millions of people are living in poverty or homeless. It’s a very important topic. The artist is trying to make a point that not only does the president but what do we that aren’t poor and living on the streets think when we see homeless people. This Made me think a lot because usually when I see a homeless person, I feel bad but I don’t really do anything to help because I don’t feel that I’m responsible to help.

         Also in the second verse pink asks” How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?” I think the us in this question could mean us as Americans or she could mean us as in people that feel pain and go through things that could be avoided like violence, hunger ect.

         In the third verse Pink brings up a really important topic that’s an issue even though George bush isn’t the president. Which was gay rights she says, “What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away? And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay?” This is really important because people who are gay are limited the right to get married in most states and sometimes in other countries gays are persecuted for being gay. The stronger point I think pink is trying to bring up is not only are gays not getting the right they deserve but that In a world were we only feel responsible for your family and people you care about and not the whole world, How could you hate your own daughter for being gay?”
         Overall this song had many examples of social issues and it was really important. Some of the things that pink was singing about reminded me of our class discussion about world responsibilities. The things that really sparked a thought in my head when pink said” Let me tell you 'bout hard work” This line is important and made me think because we think we have it so bad, and we complain about the things we have to do. When they’re little things like washing dishes, doing homework. When people in other places have it far worse and have to do harder things.

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