Sunday, November 27, 2011

Social Awareness #3

Identify and analyze social problems and issues in your independent reading books. What is the problem? Who is affected and how? What are the causes and effects? Possible solutions? Give specific examples.

         In my book Deadly Little Secret By Laurie Faria Stolarz the social issue that I think is most obvious is bullying. The reason why I think that the social issue is bullying is because the kids at Camelia’s school bully Ben. The reason why Ben gets bullied is because he allegedly murdered his girlfriend in the town that he used to live in but he wasn’t convicted of anything so he didn’t go to jail. At his new school everybody makes fun of him and leave nasty notes taped to his locker. Ben doesn’t really do anything about him being bullied because he has the confidence to know that he’s better than all of them and there just immature. Ben thinks that there immature because they bully him because of a rumour its not really a fact that he murdered his girlfriend it was something that didn’t happen but people still believe because hes not “normal”.
         One example of when he gets bullied is when a group of kids change the sign above the school mascot “polly Piranha” and change it to. “ Freetown High, Home to the Piranhas” to “ Freetown High, Home of the convicted murderer”(Pg 165)  this is a form of bullying because their targeting ben and he’s done nothing wrong to any of them to lead them to believe that he was an actual murderer.
         Some possible solutions are that the kids that are quick to penalize Ben for something that they aren’t even sure if weather or not he did or not should do their research to find out the full story. Or they could just ask Ben if he did it or not and explain it to them if they want to the truth the best person to get it from would be Ben.

Social Awareness #2

I am fifteen
Voice 1: My arms are the size of twigs
Voice 2: My arms are lumpy sacks of potatoes

When I look in the mirror I know that im not perfect enough
Voice 1: I see all the flaws, no matter how small
Voice 2: My flaws are so visable that everyone can see

Voice 1: I have to force my self to eat
Voice 2: I eat too much
Food is my biggest weakness

Voice 1: I weigh 86.3 pounds to be exact
Voice 2: I weigh 201 pounds
I cant do a lot because of my weight

Voice 1: I throw up my food
Voice 2: Last night I threw everything up, because I ate way too much
I cant seem to keep it down

Voice 1: I’m so small that sometimes I feel like people just can’t see me
Voice 2: I am huge, I could be seen from a mile away i
I want to be better

Voice 1: My mother tries to force food into me
Voice 2: My dad calls me a “ disgusting fat slob”
They just don’t understand

Its not my fault that im like think, I honestly want to change I just need help

         My poem targets the social issue of body image. While writing this poem I had to recall previous books that I’ve read. The books that helped me get a better out look on the social issue of body image were Wintergirls by  Laurie Halse Anderson and Perfect by Natasha Friend. These books both dealt with body image and how it affects teenagers in America. In perfect the main character Isabelle Lee is a little overweight because when her dad died she started to eat a lot for comfort so my inspiration for voice two was basically from Isabelle.
         Voice 1 was based on the main character Lia in Wintergirls because Lia is anorexic and she struggles with her body image her goal was to be skinnier than her dead friend Cassie she doesn’t hold her food down and she doesn’t eat. She also weighed a really low weight for her age that was unnaturally unhealthy. I thought that since I had read books about two different types of body images and eating disorders because they contrast but in a way are really the same. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Social Issues: Body Image

The social issue that I will be focusing on is anorexia and body image. This issue affects mostly girls as well as a small percentage of males that are affected by body image. Body image effects girls as young as three years old. The main cause of this issue is the pressure to be perfect from examples such as models in the media.
            Body image is a problem that affects young girls in many ways, lowering their self-esteem and comparing themselves to models that aren’t necessarily healthy. The reason why body image effects a young age group is because when a younger audience see movies and see pictures with models and actresses that are considered to be “perfect” girls tend to idolize them and aspire to be like them. What they don’t know is that sometimes modeling agencies and fashion companies when they put pictures in magazines or billboards they sometimes alter the images with technology to make the models look: skinnier, thinner and trimmer.
            Anorexia is one of the most common eating disorders. Scientifically named anorexia nervosa is when a person doesn’t eat in fear of weight gain. People that are anorexic want to prevent weight gain or to loose weight. They usually don’t think there is wrong with their eating habits. People with jobs the stress body size usually suffer from anorexia like ballet dancers, models and gymnasts.
            On shows like Toddlers in Tiaras on TLC, a show where young girls 3 and up perform in pageants where they are judged in various categories. The girls are dressed in big expensive outfits that are in some cases too provocative for children their age groups. The contestants wear fake teeth (called a flipper) that make their smile prettier. Which is unnecessary for their age since they are at the stage of development that their teeth fall out and new ones grow in. Also they wear hair extensions, pounds of make up and sometimes go to tanning salons. All of these things that are not needed for them to look beautiful. The parents of these children are putting the idea into their heads that the reason why they have to do all of these things before a pageant is because they need to be changed with products. The contestant get all dolled up, which is like saying they put on suits of fakeness. On the show they don’t show the girls ever talking about not wanting to put any of the fakeness or being uncomfortable with their bodies but I think from the film that they don’t play their has to be clips where a girl really doesn’t want to have to change herself to be on this show, all they probable want is to have fun.
            Another cause of false body image in the younger age group I think may be the looks of certain dolls that they play with such a Barbie. Barbie’s measurements if she were a real girl are 5’10 and she would weigh 110. These are common measurements for a model. Barbie, is she were real would be so thin that her organs would eventually collapse because of her lack of fat. Girls tend to use Barbie as a model because that’s what they see runway models looking like, tall and skinny. So they think that’s what there supposed to be tall and skinny, just like Barbie’s.
            I think that body issue is a really important issue because trying to be perfect and have a “perfect body” is sometimes unhealthy and you face many risks by falling into an eating disorder like anorexia and bulimia. These disorders can sometimes lead to death. Being perfect and having a body like a models isn’t worth risking your life for. The pressure to be perfect can be stopped if we learn to love who we are and how we look.




The Mysterious 2nd Narrator

            In my book Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz. There are two different narrators. The first narrator speaks mostly throughout the book so far and the story in her point of view. The first narrator is Camelia the main character she tells things as they happen. The second narrator doesn’t have many pages in the book and sometimes the chapters in his or her point of view is less than a full page. The way the 2nd narrator speaks as if they were writing in like a diary or a jornal. At first I thought the second narrator was ben because it seemed to be the most logical person. For example the after the first chapter when Ben saved Camelia's life the 2nd Narrator starts talking. So I figured that Ben had to be the second narrator. Now that I'm getting deeper into the I've strayed from my belief that Ben is the second narrator.
The reason why I no longer think that ben is the second narrator is because, when Camelia's stalker tears the pajamas that he had bought for her and left in her room, she asked ben why he had ripped up her gift. Ben was clueless about the pajamas and them being ripped. So now I think that the 2nd narrator is Matt who is a guy that Camelia is friends with and he used to be in love with her.

What leads me to believe that Matt is the 2nd narrator is that right after Matt and Camelia meet in the lab when she is looking up information about Ben and the murder he'd been accused of  and then Matt the next time he's mentioned he brings Camelia information the 2nd narrator says She just wont listen. And so I've started my plan.I just hope she appreciates all my efforts---all my work to make her happy. Once and for all(pg 131)
This really represents the way Matt acts because when the book is in Camelias point of view he tries his best to get Camelias attention and he talks to her a lot and tries his hardest to make her like him, I think that he realizes that all that Camelia foucuses on is Ben and Matt believes that Ben is some kind of danger to her. Also Matt tells Camelia that she shouldn’t be hanging around  Ben. This really leads me to think that he's the 2nd narrator because the 2nd narrator talks about her talking to ben being bad  so it cant be ben and Matt also has the same opinion so its most likely that Matt is the mysterious 2nd Narrator.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Catcher in The Rye

In the book that I’m reading. Catcher In the Rye by J.D. Salinger my main character Holden Claufield is a very unique and he contrasts as a character with most of the other characters I’ve read in my book. So far in my book I have predicted that Holden is the antagonist in my book. This is different than other main characters because mostly the main character is the protagonist and they’re trying to accomplish something or face a problem. I don’t really feel that Holden is the Protagonist.
         One reason why I  think that my main character Holden is the Antagonist is because he gets kicked out of a lot of schools. He seems like a student that doesn’t apply himself or even acknowledge schoolwork. He’s one of those “I don’t care Students”, and from past experiences the students that don’t care aren’t protagonists they usually always have something negative to say about school related topics and they seem to not care about things. Although, I really do think that Holden is a caring person. I say this because he isn’t rude to his roommate Ackley who people think is strange because of the way he eats, his teeth and other things. Holden makes an effort to be kind to Ackley and not snobby.
         Another reason why I think that Holden is the antagonist is because of an end of a essay that he wrote that his history teacher read aloud “ Dear Mr. Spencer. That is all I know about the Egyptians. I can’t seem to get very interested in them although your lectures are very interesting. It is all right with me if you flunk me though as I am flunking everything else except English anyway. Respectfully yours, Holden Claufield”(pg.17) This really makes me think that Holden is the antagonist because he doesn’t seem to take interest in things and he makes a point to let people know. He’s also very blunt in this essay it gives off a very negative vibe that screams “I don’t care about anything” 
         When Holden gives a view point in the book or says something it always sounds negative but the way he does it  in a rude manor its in a" i don't care" way. Its really hard to read this book because i couldn't imagine personally knowing Holden. I feel like he would try to bring the mood down and hold others back just by his carelessness, rudeness and negativity. I think that maybe that Holden may be depressed because he doesn't feel like doing things and he never really is happy for no reason and those are signs of depression
         I find that my main character Holden is very irritating. The way he doesn’t care about important things really upsets me, I really think that he seems really smart because he says he likes to read a lot, that alone gives me hope that the character will change a bit and start to care more about others and his actions. I am really hoping that Holden starts to change and become a more bearable less intimidating and irritating main character.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dear Mr.President...

         The song “ Dear Mr. President” by pink is written toward George Bush because it was written during the time of his presidency. This is a very controversial song because in the song there are several social issues that are brought up.
         For example in the first verse Pink says” What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?” This is a social issue because in America and all over the world, Millions of people are living in poverty or homeless. It’s a very important topic. The artist is trying to make a point that not only does the president but what do we that aren’t poor and living on the streets think when we see homeless people. This Made me think a lot because usually when I see a homeless person, I feel bad but I don’t really do anything to help because I don’t feel that I’m responsible to help.

         Also in the second verse pink asks” How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?” I think the us in this question could mean us as Americans or she could mean us as in people that feel pain and go through things that could be avoided like violence, hunger ect.

         In the third verse Pink brings up a really important topic that’s an issue even though George bush isn’t the president. Which was gay rights she says, “What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away? And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay?” This is really important because people who are gay are limited the right to get married in most states and sometimes in other countries gays are persecuted for being gay. The stronger point I think pink is trying to bring up is not only are gays not getting the right they deserve but that In a world were we only feel responsible for your family and people you care about and not the whole world, How could you hate your own daughter for being gay?”
         Overall this song had many examples of social issues and it was really important. Some of the things that pink was singing about reminded me of our class discussion about world responsibilities. The things that really sparked a thought in my head when pink said” Let me tell you 'bout hard work” This line is important and made me think because we think we have it so bad, and we complain about the things we have to do. When they’re little things like washing dishes, doing homework. When people in other places have it far worse and have to do harder things.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Trapped in Room.

The author’s purpose in Room by Emma Donoghue is to tell a tragic story in a bearable way. The way the author does this is by making the Narrator a year old boy. Room is about Jack and Ma who live in Room. To jack room is where he lives and nothing more. To jack room is everything. When Jacks mother was 21 she was kidnapped by Old Nick and forced to stay in room, where she had jack. To Ma, room is a prison that she’s trapped in.
             The tragic story in this book is that Ma has been captured by Old Nick as a sex slave where her child jack is born. I think that the author’s purpose is to tell a tragic tale in a bearable way because. The way Jack see's things in room, is not being forced to live there but that’s all there is. Telling a story through a young veiwer makes it more bearable for the reader. For example if the story were to be told in the perspective of Ma. The tragedy would unfold faster. Also the horrible events occurring in the book would be more visual and less innocent. Unlike it being told in jack’s viewpoint. In his eyes everything that goes on in the book Jack tells it so innocently because he isn’t aware of what’s actually going on.
One example of when jack makes an event in the book seem really innocent is “She doesn’t switch on, she doesn’t groan even or roll over, she’s not moving when I pull her. This is the most Gone she’s ever.”(Pg 248) and “I don’t know whats---Then I see Ma’s pill bottle open on the table, they look mostly empty. Never more than two, that’s the rule, how could they be mostly empty, where did the pills go? Noreen’s pressing on the side of Ma’s throat saying her other name and ‘Can you hear me? Can you hear me?’’(pg 249)
These quotes are from the part when Ma tries to kill herself. Even though it’s a tragic moment its less painful because of the way that Jack see’s this situation. Like when he says “her other name” he means her real name, also when he talks about taking only 2 pills is the rule. It makes you realize how Jacks so innocent in this whole situation. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wonderful Works pt 1

Out of all of my classmates’ blogs that I read this weekend, I favored two the most. My two favorite blog posts that I read this weekend were Sydney’s and kiana's. Their posts stood out to me the most because of the language they used and the meaning behind the post.

         I really liked Sydney’s blog post about The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. Sydney connected to the main character. She didn’t just connect in one way, she was able to connect to her main character on two different levels. One way that she connected to Ronnie was that she explained how their personalities are similar and how they interacted with others in similar ways. The second way that Sydney connected to Ronnie was how they both play the piano and how their love of music intertwines with their lives. I really thought that Sydney’s post was overall very interesting to read.

           Also I enjoyed Kianas blog post. My favorite part of her blog post was her second to last sentence, she says how the book is really intriguing  “It pulls you in and keeps you” I really liked this line because it really expresses the feeling when your reading an interesting book. I also really liked kiana’s book because her book seems so interesting by reading her post I’m dying to read it.

Keep up the great blogging guys!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


          Do you define a word without
          concrete meaning?To each
          His own,the saying goes,so
         Push to attain an ideal state
         of being that no two random
         people will agree is
         you want to be?Faultless.
         can never be these, and anyway,
          did creating a flawless facade
          become a more vital goal
         than learning to love the person
         lives inside your skin?
         The outside belongs to others.
         Only you should decide for you      
          is perfect.


The main conflict in the book Perfect by Ellen Hopkins is the pressure to be perfect. All of the characters in this book have aspirations to not only be the best they can possibly be. They aspire to be perfect.
Cara one of the main characters is pageant girl and a model. She works really hard to look perfect and be beautiful. She works out for hours at a time, diets and sometimes doesn’t eat for periods of time. She says, “I’ve lived with the pretense of perfection for seventeen years” (pg 2). This is an example of the conflict because people think that she is perfect, but she still works hard to make herself believe that she’s perfect.
Sean, another character, strives to be perfect. Is a serious baseball player who takes steroids so that he can be stronger than everyone else? He does this so he can be the star player. This eventually affects his body from properly functioning because he took so many douses of steroids. This proves that the pressure to be perfect is a big conflict in this book because trying to be perfect can affect you mentally and physically. For example Sean’s steroids use affected him in a negative way.

I don’t think perfection actually exists because if it did who would be the judge of who’s perfect and who isn’t perfect. We tend to forget about what the importance of what’s inside, because we worry a lot about what’s on the outside, which isn’t as important.